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For Tigers

Temple Tiger Update: Today we once again headed to the government facilities. This time however it was not a visit to see the tigers. As we have mentioned in a number of our previous posts, the tigers are having severe health issues and, prudently, visits to them are limited.

Instead we were bringing a food donation thanks to the generosity of WildHeart Foundation. With our partnering up with WildHeart, these food runs are to become a regular event over the next few weeks.

As everyone is aware, basic animal welfare includes good nutrition, which helps to maintain a strong immune system. Therefore, we hope that with this increase to their daily food intake the tigers’ general health will see an improvement, helping them to fight off infections and disease themselves.

Today’s donation was for the Temple tigers at just one of the two facilities and our hopes are that in the near future we can provide supplementary chicken to all the Temple tigers residing under the government’s care.

If you wish to join us in this endeavour, please head to our fundraiser at

It is just 45THB/£1/$1.35 per kilo of chicken. Extra food can save a life.

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