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About For Tigers

For Tigers

For Tigers was founded on the back of the Tiger Temple closure. Everyone currently involved with For Tigers was at one time or another volunteering at the Temple. After the removal of the tigers to government facilities, there was a deep concern over the tiger’s welfare in their new home. The sub standard facilities run by the government were concerning especially as there seemed to be no move to improve them.

The tigers from the Temple started to suffer from stress and began to develop signs of stereotypical behaviours and self mutilation caused, in part, by the sudden reduction in the size of the area they could roam, separation from other tigers and unfamiliar surroundings and keepers. It was then that the Follow the Tigers campaign was started. As the campaign kicked off, it became more and more apparent that even the government facilities were not at a standard good enough for captive tigers and that this was a bigger problem then just the Tiger Temple.

We started to visit numerous facilities holding tigers around Thailand and began to document the tigers living there and also the conditions they were living in. The realisation grew that the vast majority of the facilities were well below International standards. Something needed to be done to raise awareness and educate the public to this fact. This is when For Tigers was born. For Tigers is dedicated to those tigers living in captivity. At this time it seems that the majority of tiger related organisations focus on conservation efforts but there isn’t so much of a focus on those tigers that will remain captive for life. And this is where our journey begins.

Our Mission

To raise awareness, to enhance and improve welfare standards for captive tigers in Thailand.

Our Objectives

  • To raise awareness, educate and improve the welfare of captive tigers in Thailand

  • Understand, educate and work with locals toward better ethical treatment and approaches toward animals, wild and captive

  • Educate the public on the welfare and conditions for captive tigers in Thailand and in the tourism industry

  • Inform the public of ethical tourism practices involving wildlife

  • Inspire other animal welfare groups and the public to follow up on rescued animals

  • Aid and donate to other charities/organisations who are in a better position of furthering our cause

  • Educate the public on ways to support positive changes to improve conditions of animals in captivity rather than petitioning for shut down of facilities where responsible housing for the animals cannot be provided elsewhere

  • Involve the public in ways to help preserve natural habitats for wild tigers

Please note: At this time we are not yet registered, this is currently in process. We will update soon when we have non-profit status.

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