Campaigns & Petitions

Raising awareness is no easy task and most certainly cannot be done alone. To effectively spread awareness and educate the world on captive tigers and their welfare issues; there needs to be a global chain to spread the information. And this is where you, the public are so very important in helping us with this task. First and foremost is to raise awareness of the situation these tigers are living in. Many people around the world have no idea what is going on in animal welfare in other parts of the world. Quite often they have no notion of what is going on in their own country either. By sharing, reposting information, more people will become aware and educated.
And there are a number of ways that you can help us to do this:
Follow our campaigns, sign and share any petitions regarding tiger welfare issues and, if you do visit a Thailand facility, fill out the form found here

Petitions are a way of bringing important issues to the attention of facility management or even raise awareness on a governmental scale.
Through petitions, we aim to give the tigers a voice. We aim to educate the public, change perceptions and attitudes, and potentially get these issues noticed by the relevant governing bodies.
Petitions found here are updated regularly so check back to see what is the latest one. Many of these petitions are created by like-minded organizations, which we will also be sharing.